My thoughts on the Final Showcase (Ready for comments)

As the selected team from my class, I felt the pressure of having to represent my class and do them proud. It was my first experiencing public speaking in front of my the entire cohort. However, I was glad that my group members were there all the way to support each other and give constructive criticism to each other whenever we met up to run through the presentation. My lecturer, Ms Lim, has also been helping in providing timely feedback for my group so that we are able to make changes to our presentation while having sufficient time to practise before the actual showcase.

On the day of the presentation, I cannot deny that it was nerve-wracking; seeing the full crowd in the lecture theatre. Thankfully, my group was scheduled to present after the intermission which gave us time to watch other groups and practise once more during the said intermission.

However, even with the various practices with my teammates, I was extremely nervous and could feel my heart pounding in my chest. As a spontaneous individual, I went off script and started the introduction with a little joke regarding my team’s name, Meh. Hearing the positive response from the audience made me relax a little. However, I still let my nerves get the best of me, and stumbled on my words during the introduction.

Despite the little mishaps in my performance, I felt that my strength was in my personality. I am naturally a confident and loud individual which benefitted me greatly during my presentation.

Overall, I am glad I got the chance to participate in this showcase despite my team’s packed schedule and was presently surprised that we were able to place second amongst the cohort. I would like to thank my group members and Ms Lim for being supportive and constructive throughout this entire journey; preparing for the final showcase.

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Commented on:

Zandy, Maggie, Faizal

Interpersonal Communication Problem (Ready for comments)

I have had my fair share of interpersonal communication problems when I interned as a Guest Services Agent. Due to the nature of my job, it requires me to be in constant communication with my superiors and colleagues. Naturally, it would create a bond between the Guest Services team supported by the long hours.

It was towards the end of a long day of operations and I was preparing the documents required for closing the enquiry counter when my Team Manager came up to me to check up on my progress. He engaged me in a conversation about his personal life for which politely entertained. In the midst of our conversation, he started getting annoyed and began spouting insults regarding customers that had given him problems during the day’s operations. At this moment was when I started to detach myself from the conversation as it was getting malevolent. When I tried to steer away from the conversation, he then started to insult me instead, calling me a “Political B*tch”. The comment had caught me off guard causing me to just ignore it and walk away.

I told a colleague of mine what had happened because I was in shocked and did not understand what had just happened. However, I was telling him casually, not intending to complain to him about what had happened because truthfully, it did not affect me. However, my colleague had my best interest at heart and went to report the matter to the Guest Services Manager who was my Team Manager’s superior. The issue had escalated exponentially that actions were already taken the next day when I reported in at work. I was called to sit down with the Guest Services Manager to talk about the incident. I had explained that I was not complaining about the matter however, I was just reiterating the story to my colleague.

After further discussion, I told my superiors that I am not affected by the comment and I requested for the matter to be put to rest. The Team Manager had also approached me and apologise for the matter and mentioned that the comment was just a joke.

If you were in my position, how would you have reacted to the comment and what would you have done instead to avoid the matter escalating? Would you have clarified with the Team Manager what was meant when he said that comment? Additionally, would you have believed that the comment was made in a comical context?

Commented on:

  1. Zandy
  2. Maggie
  3. Faizal



Service Recovery Letter

Dear Ms Rebekah Goldstein,

On behalf of the hotel, we would like to extend our sincerest apologies for the experience that you’ve encountered.

At Marina Bay Sands, we take pride in ensuring that our guests are provided with the best service. We value your feedback and have taken measures to provide additional training to our operational staff to ensure that this situation does not happen again.

We have reviewed your reservation and found that the payment was made through Agoda. We are unable to process your refund, however, we have contacted Agoda to request for the refund of the breakfast that you have paid for. Agoda would be contacting you directly should they approve the refund request.

Additionally, we would like to apologise for your experience with our facilities that did not reach your expectations. During the length of your stay, we were experiencing technical difficulties with our key card system. However, we have mitigated the problem and it is currently functioning to ensure that guests would not be affected by the matter.

Henceforth, we would like to extend our sincerest apologies and we look forward to welcoming you back to our hotel. On your next stay, please feel free to drop an email to us with the Reference Number #99887766341 to enjoy a special discounted rate to our rooms with complimentary breakfast.

We are looking forward to welcoming you back to our hotel on your next visit to Singapore.

Yours Sincerely,

Miss Aisyah Salim

Front Office Manager

Marina Bay Sands

Commented on:

  1. Fai
  2. Eunice
  3. Zandy

Self-Introduction (Ready for comments)

To: Ms Lim Lay Hoon

From: Aisyah Salim

Date: 19 January 2018

Subject: Self-introduction

Dear Ms Lim,

I would like to take this opportunity to introduce myself by email. My name is Aisyah Salim and I am currently pursuing a bachelor with honours in hospitality business from the Singapore Institute of Technology (SIT). Prior to joining SIT, I was from Nanyang Polytechnic (NYP) pursuing hospitality and tourism management.

I interned at Universal Studios Singapore under the guest services department during my polytechnic education. Additionally, I am currently working part-time at a capsule hotel called the MET A Space Pod, which has taught me to be independent and self-reliant as the job requires me to make my own decisions and take responsibility.

In the past, I would describe myself as someone who was afraid to take charge and make decisions that would affect others. However, I have learned that taking risks have helped me grow into a more mature and level-headed individual, capable of leading when I need to.

I am looking forward to learning how to communicate myself more effectively which would be useful when I have to communicate with my subordinates in the future.

Yours Sincerely,

Aisyah Salim

Commented on:

  1. Faizal
  2. Maggie
  3. Zandy